Re: [NTLK] Now is the time to buy a 2100 :P

From: Mark Ross (
Date: Wed Dec 26 2001 - 11:52:32 EST

>My recent Apple Repair troubles have inspired me to get one of these too.
>So, I bid $249 on one of the newtons, and was the leading bidder, until 7
>seconds before the auction ended, when some stinker bid $2 more than me.
>I don't get it. There are a million auctions with no bidders, all ending at
>the same time (or within 5 minutes of each other). This person could have
>bid on any one of the others and let me have mine for $249 and gotten
>his/hers for $249 also. Instead they paid more, and I just went and bid on
>one of the others for $249 and got it.

> Some people are just dumb (and/or mean)!

Or lazy. Its a very good eBay strategy to swoop in the last moment and
capture an auction. I suspect that this person wasn't paying attention
to all the others going on at the same time.

Mark Ross

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