Re: [NTLK] [ANN] ATA Support 1.0b11

Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 12:19:12 EST

Dear Paul,
        Thanks for the latest release, but once again I am having trouble.
        Last time I ran into problems because I hadn't initialized the cards before installing the ATA support.
        This time, after re-initializing the cards and installing the driver, I get an error (0) when I try to partition
them and after erasing them on my PB and trying agan I get an endless string of messages telling me that the cards cannot be
read due to error, and here's only a partial list, (-536838104, 1572864, -536703988, -536743356, -536677724, -5376701380) etc.
        The beta installs as only beta 10 and says that it will expire on the 4th of December, so I set the date back before trying
anything but that didn't help either.
        Is there a ATAlog pkg that I can use so you can get all the info?


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