>From: lrritz_at_earthlink.net
>Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 21:55:27 -0500
>Subject: [NTLK] PaperBook pkg. maker
>Have been using paperback 1.2 for making Newton books and find when I
>drop the text file on the application the text in the book become out of
>sort. Any suggestion to stop this from happening? Also the application
>talks about bookmarks but can't seem to find out how to apply, no
>instructions. Anyone know of newer version ? A great package!
There's been v. 2 out for quite a while. Check here:
On that page you find detailed instructions on how to create the index for
your PaperBack books as well. Make sure you use a PLAIN TEXT file (.txt) as
your source to dump on PaperBack and not a MS Word document or similar kind
of file. If you're using a Mac create the txt file with BBEdit (the Lite
version is free) and insert your index commands as needed.
Otto Sohn <http://newted.dyndns.org/users/osohn/>
NewTIL <http://newted.dyndns.org/users/osohn/NewTIL/>
NEWTtools <http://newted.dyndns.org/users/osohn/NEWTtools/>
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