Re: [NTLK] Humor for the holidays

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Wed Dec 19 2001 - 22:14:08 EST

somewhere near the temporal coordinates of 12/19/01 5:00 PM, the entity
known as Samuel Jacobson transmitted the following from

> My initial reserve was for $699, thus I was making a whole $50 (not
> unreasonable due to the extras that come with the unit). I then received
> some rather harsh messages, which I admit I found rather hurtful as I was
> only asking mainly for the money I put into an eMate (originally a non-new
> unit at that!!!), and I lowered my reserve to $650 which meant to myself
> that I was/am going to loose money. I still do not think I was unjustified
> in my pricing, especially for what I was offering.

You are obviously under the mistaken impression that what *you* paid has
some relation to what's reasonable to expect to get from it. Shoot, I'd
love to get the $3000+ that I spent on my 512k Mac + Imagewriter + external
400k drive back in 1985, especially since I put more money into it getting
the upgrade to a MacPlus and maxing the RAM out to 4 MB. {Dang! For a while
I had one hot machine! :-) } But, computer equipment just doesn't work that
way. The darn thing is basically worthless. And the 660av that I invested
nearly $3000 in will probably sell for $20 if I'm lucky. Face it, there's
not a person out there that cares what you spent originally. That's not
being mean-spirited, that's just being real. What you spent matters exactly
zero in determining what it's worth NOW. The market on eBay simply doesn't
support an eMate at roughly THREE times the going rate (OK, my factor may be
slightly off, as I haven't looked lately.). If you're gonna sell something,
you need to know the market you're selling into. (I'd suggest the price
guide at in addition to simply
watching eBay for a while.)

Think of it this way... When you sell your car (or trade it in) you look up
the Blue Book value and go from there. What you paid for the car (and its
features) never enters into it.

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

===================================================================== END RADIOPHOBIA!!! More nukes, less kooks!!! =====================================================================

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