Re: [NTLK] FW: Marine Recon

From: Brian (
Date: Thu Dec 13 2001 - 17:32:55 EST

>This is an excerpt from an email I got from a friend, it's supposed to
>be written from a Marine
>over there, of interest to this list only cuz of the reference to a
>"hand held" ....wonder what he could be talking about, some special
>military type Newton, (I doubt it) but I hope it isn't running WinCE.
>If anyone wants the complete email, I'll send it off list.

Well, if you had said it was *your* friend over there, I would not post,
but I'm a little skeptical of authenticity, due mostly to the reference to
a "drinks like transmission fluid" scorpion sting antidote.

The only stuff I can think that would be *drinkable* and help with a sting,
would not result in the drinker very useful for observation.....

but if Sushi or someone else knows what that stuff, is, email me off list,
I'm curious about that part.


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