Re: [NTLK] Password Generator

From: Stephanie Maks (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 02:04:39 EST

The idea of basing the password on a seed interests me, but I must confess I
don't know really how to do that. As for integrating it or mating it with
GeekSafe, that is probably beyond me at the moment, but someone else could
probably do it, or maybe something to do down the road.

The coding is really simplistic at the moment, there's 24 upper case and 24
lower case (capital I and O, lower case l and o are omitted) plus ten
numeric digits and about 9 or 10 symbols that I've selected. First a random
number is selected, to choose between upper case, lower case, numbers and
symbols. It is weighted so that upper/lower case are twice as likely to be
chosen over either numbers or symbols. Then if the appropriate checkbox is
checked, it uses another random number to pick the character. If the
checkbox is unchecked, it goes back to step one and picks another random
number. It loops through this till it has the required number of
characters, then displays the results.

I've started tinkering to make another version, which uses the
protoNumberPicker so it's easier to set the number of digits, and a better
view so it doesn't open slightly off of the Newton screen. To get it to
look the way I want, it has to become a NOS 2.x application, but if I do
that I'll keep the original version too, since it should work on 1.x

I also want to add a button that will copy the password right into the
clipboard, but haven't figured that one out yet. As I said earlier, I'm new
at this.

Thanks for the suggestions so far! I was right, this was a lot more fun
than work today!


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