Re: [NTLK] need password generator for MP 120 with OS 2.0

From: Stephanie Maks (
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 13:53:50 EST

Well, if I can find some spare time this week, I'll have a go at it with
Newton Toolkit. Actually, I'm surrounded by piles of work right now, but
this sounds like a whole lot more fun....

I'm not exactly experienced, I've tinkered twice with NTK, but this seems
like a really simple little program. If anyone has any suggestions or
anything, let me know.

Radek, please let me know if this is indeed what you are looking for.

I'm thinking, it should run on any Newt since it's small and simple, and
basicaly just cranks out random strings, based on the three options:

Password Length: 4 - 24 characters
Alpha / Numeric / Alphanumeric 3 choices, A N AN
Case Sensitive Yes or No

Then tap 'Go' or whatever, and there will be a little window where the
string is displayed. It won't save the password, or copy it into a soup or
a file or anything (My NTK experience is really limited yet). And you can
just tap 'Go' over and over, as many times as you want, once the settings
are done, to get as many random generated strings as you like (or till you
find one you like).


> Unfortunately, I've never heard of such of a program on the Newton. Not that
> one doesn't exist, just that since I started using a Newton, back in 1993, I
> haven't heard of any program that does that...
> -Laurent.

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