Re: [NTLK] New GPS Software found?

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Mon Dec 10 2001 - 14:17:54 EST

at the temporal coordinates: 12/10/01 1:41 PM, the entity known as
Humphreys, David at conveyed the following:

> The Blazer 12 shares the same receiver and quadrifilar antenna with the
> other Magellan 300 series receivers.
> As these receivers do offer PC output, it will be at least possible
> to output NMEA 0183 data. It would require some additions though ...

Nope. I just looked at my resume. Couldn't find solder sniffing anywhere
on there. :-)

My last true electronics experience was more than 20 years ago, during my
undergrad physics days. I aced the final with a completely non-functioning
circuit. We were supposed to design a small circuit to draw a Lissajous
figure on the oscilloscope and then construct it and show on the 'scope that
it did indeed work (then change a component or two to change the figure on
the 'scope). I flawlessly got to the point of applying power and displaying
the figure. Nothing. So, knowing my propensity for creating Murphy
attractors (much like trailer parks are tornado magnets), I did the quick
diagnostic I'd learned -- I wet my fingertip and started touching components
until there was a sizzle and some steam, thereby finding the bad part.
After having several components fail, the instructor, who had watched me do
all this, took all new parts and constructed exactly the circuit I'd built.
It worked perfectly. He took all the components out of the bread board,
passed me the whole pile and I assembled it identically. Smoke. He gave me
a 100% and the advice to seek a career in theory rather than experiment.

So... If the advice is to hack my GPS receiver? Thanks, but I'll pass. ;-)

- Eric.

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