Re: [NTLK] Some diverse questions

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Mon Dec 10 2001 - 04:48:36 EST

> 1: I have tried to beam her some packages, and it always fails. I've
tried small packages, about
> 15-20k, and with large packages, about 80k. It always gets about halfway
> through then it fails with an error message.
I have the absolutely same problems here with the same devices. Normally
they should beam fine forth and back, but they don't. I've tried a few
minutes to track down the reason and assume that it must have to do with
timing problems. I think, because I couldn't prove it so far, that a lot of
installed pkgs on the MP2k1 has an influence on the beaming in some way. If
you restart the MP2k1 w/o extensions, either not in internal nor activated
on the card memory the beaming worked.

> 2: 'Copy' the package onto it, then give the card back to her.
There's several pkgs which can copy pkgs and soups too. SBM Utilities can
copy soups and basically could you try it with a backup/restore as well.

> 3: I tried turning the Newt off and on.
Normally this should do the trick. And since you're experienced in
electronics I doubt that the SER-001 isn't installed properly. Did you open
e.g. the Notepad AND place the caret somewhere? Sorry for this trivia
question, but I stumbled in the beginning over this as well: w/o caret not
kbd input.

With best regards / Viele Gruesse

Marco Mailand

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