Re: [NTLK] MP Advice

From: Brian (
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 22:13:27 EST

>But anyway, if anyone can recommend some useful tools for my little 1.x
>device I'd sure appreciate it.

The best list of tools for 1.3 or earlier devices is the "old" Newton FAQ
that is hosted at the "Michigan State Palmtop User's Group".

The "old" FAQ is archived at (and it's REALLY OLD now):
<> (there's a newer FAQ
mirrored at and other places, but it has just about nothing in
it regarding software recommendations for 1.3 NOS...) This old FAQ talks a
lot about NOS 1.05 and 1.2 and the "new" NOS 2.0 has just come out (1995)
and at the end has a great list of packages and what they do for you.

and the home page for the old newton interest group is:
<>, check out the rest of the "Tree of

A good place to actually find the old software they mention in the old FAQ
is I also have a fmpro dbase up on the web at
<> that has a lot of the old 1.3 and earlier
software searchable by description keyword. is the most current web archive these days and has much of the
content of and other sites with 1.3 vintage softwares as well, but
it's much easier to find what you want if you read the old FAQ and then do
a search for the exact filenames.

I think that the old FAQ will give you what you need. I was really on top
of the "best" stuff to have on MP100's at one point but haven't looked at
it for a couple of years....

In a nutshell, you can improve the HWR a lot with (readily found, if not
technically free) Graffiti 1.0 if the current HWR doesn't work for you (it
did for work pretty well for me even at NOS 1.3), there's a lot of little
apps to make the interface convenient, but unfortunately web and PPP
sessions are not possible for you. Some extremely limited email can work
if you have a dialup shell account, but really works reliably for sending
only, and even a telnet or terminal proggy is pretty impractical in
That said, you can make 1.3 OS newton's fairly useable for addresses and
notes etc.

I think there are more than a few users of 120's NOS 1.3 here lurking, so
holler if you have questions, certainly. Even though a lot of the daily
content of the list is geared towards the newer 2.1 NOS Newtons.


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