at the temporal coordinates: 12/4/01 9:41 AM, the entity known as Carlos D.
Santiago at conveyed the following:
>> I believe a bit of time on some search engines would be well spent.
> simple question: if you elect online servers only, is the time last seen an
> indication of when to attempt to fetch?
Two things...
First, I meant that comment to the fellow who, for whatever reason, couldn't
seem to find the Windoze version of Hotline. I'm sure a quick trip to
Google would've yielded a boatload of hits.
Second, to answer your real question (re: If you
search for online servers only, then those servers reported back should
(surprise) be online, i.e., the time last seen in "now". If you deselect
'online servers only' then you'll get citations that list servers that were
on last night or last week. Some of these may only be on at night, or only
on weekends. Some servers are college kids in their dorm rooms and are off
the air during semester breaks. So, possibly you could use the time last
seen as a guide, but not universally.
- Eric.
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