Re: [NTLK] Endpoint / WinNTK help?

From: Steve Weyer (
Date: Sun Dec 02 2001 - 05:53:00 EST

> From:
> I'm trying to create an internet application using WinNTK 1.6.1. My
> current problem is: I can't seem to find protoEndpoint or
> protoBasicEndpoint. I know I've read somewhere about their not being
> view-based protos, but then I don't know how to access them. Will I have
> to put all my endpoint/communication code into a .txt addendum (the
> debugging of it makes me shudder...)

you're right it's not a graphical element. besides creating a text file that
contains your endpoint definition, you could include a slot in your app with
a frame {_proto: protoBasicEndpoint}.

btw, if you're creating an internet application (i.e., using NIE), you
should really look at the protoFSM stuff that comes with NIE developer
archive. given that a lot of the comm stuff is asyncrhonous, it provides a
good starting point to handle a lot of the callbacks and errors.


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