NTLK Appreciation for "Laura" and all

From: Glenn Roe (myhome@cwnet.com)
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 01:45:09 EST

I think we all should appreciate "Laura" and all others who got the list
back up so quickly and let those of us who experienced the flooded
mailbox know how to fix that. BTW that got me wondering how anyone not
on digest deals with the volume of emails. Sometimes I don't get to
check mine for several days, and can't imagine dealing with all that
info one piece at a time. Maybe some of you in that situation could
share how you manage? This list and it's community really are a
wonderful and unique resource, and I'm glad it didn't get jeopardized by
a few hotheads. Thanks again Laura . . . .

Glenn Roe

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