NTLK Sync App Idea

From: Victor Rehorst (victor@gear.torque.net)
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 00:50:16 EST

I just had an idea while zapping Web*Pager messages around tonight with
NPDS. NPDS already takes soup data and returns it in a simple form (HTML
for meetings, vCard or HTML for Names). It uses http and NIE for
communication, both of which are well supported.

My idea is this: take the (already open source) NPDS code and modify it
to basicially do a "dump" of all of, say, Names. A simple client on the
desktop side can take this data and turn it into, say, CSV (or something
else suitable for importing into a PIM, I really don't know ahat the
options are since I don't use a desktop PIM). The client can be very
portable since it only uses HTTP to communicate (it could even be written
in Java, or even a Java applet that communicates with teh Newton and
redisplays the info in a Newton-looking interface).

I hope that made sense, as I'm very very tired right now, so let me know
in the morning if I made sense or not :)

-----Victor Rehorst - victor@eddie.cis.uoguelph.ca | victor@torque.net------
---Newton Resources: Ethernet, Newton Cage, NewtonTalk archive, and more!---
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