Re: NTLK Necesito ayuda, help!!!!

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sat Jan 15 2000 - 03:32:59 EST

On 1/15/2000 1:39 AM, Juan Solano [] wrote:

>He is saying that his 110 Newton doesn't recognize his password (true, I
>don't know?), he says he has tried resetting it but it doesn't work. So what
>can he do? Any help apreciated.

Probably nothing.

I'm not sure even a total hard reset/brainwipe will get past the
password. I sure hope not, otherwise what's the use of the password?

Apple's Service dept. may be able to get past it, though. That's where
I'd start.

I have my Newton set to prompt me for my password once a day, and my cell
phone set to do so every time it's powered on. I figure if someone's
gonna rip me off, I'm gonna surprise the jerks; they're gonna have to
reset/power off the units SOMETIME.

But the password on 1.x Newtons was different (you had to sign your name,
as I recall, right? The PIN password only game it with OS 2.0, didn't
it? Or was it 1.3?)

On the other hand, I'd swear I saw a program once that cracked the Newton
password. You put it on a card and put the card in the Newton. It was
probably for OS 1.x, so it'd probably work on a 110 if you can find it.
Check or DNUG Newton Versions ( or
Planet Newton (

Or maybe I'm just thinking of that Stephen Seagall movie, "Under Siege
II" where the bad guy crack's Steve's Newton password. ;-)

 - Bill

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